Our annual summer giveaway

Hot summer with CryptoTab!

Cheers! Annual summer CryptoTab giveaway: invite friends and get bitcoins. The prize is over $6,000. Get a holiday!

View results

New giveaway — new prizes!

This year we raise the stakes and increase the number of winners. Now the chances to win are even higher! Invite the largest number of users and win one of our top 5 prizes as the most active participant.

First place
$1600 usd
Second place
$800 usd
Third place
$400 usd
Fourth place
$200 usd
Fifth place
$100 usd

...another 300 random participants will get

$10 usd

Winners will be selected randomly with random.org service among all the participants who invited at least 3 active CryptoTab users during this special offer.

All prizes will be awarded in Bitcoins at the current coinmarketcap.com USD/BTC rate once the winners are determined.

How to join?

As simple as that — just click the button and invite as many new CryptoTab Browser users as you can, using your unique link. Summing up will take place on September 1, 2019. Even if you invite only 3 persons, you have a real opportunity to get 1 of 300 prizes.

We count users who:
Have downloaded and installed CryptoTab Browser via your link

Only new users who installed CryptoTab Browser® on their Windows or macOS system can become participants of this special offer.

Have activated CryptoTab account in the browser

To do this, log in to your CryptoTab account and confirm your Email address.

We welcome honesty and will not tolerate cheating

Participants must not fake browser and account activation settings by any means. All users must install the browser voluntarily and being fully aware of their actions. When selecting the winners we will ignore browser and activation settings that violate the above terms. Moreover, in case we detect systematic fraud all perpetrator accounts will be immediately blocked.

The contest is open till late summer!

Results will be summed up on 1 September 2019. Winners' IDs will be published on 3 September 2019. Ready to join? — Hurry up!

The special offer is valid till:

Double benefit for you!

By inviting new users you have an opportunity to win a cash prize and get a steady long-term income at the same time.

10 levels of mining network

Each invited user becomes a part of your mining network. Everyone invited by members of your mining network becomes its part and so on, up to level 10. You will receive passive income until at least one member of your mining network keeps mining. Learn more about CryptoTab mining network.

The best time to grow

Now it is the high time to attract new members and expand your network, and thus to increase your passive income for a long time. The new users are much more readily involved and keen to invite others while the special offer remains open as all of them would like to try their luck.

This special offer is already an annual event

One year ago we had our first successful giveaway. See details here. List of the last year's big winners —

1st place
0.3 BTC
2nd place
0.2 BTC
3rd place
0.1 BTC
Send invitations to your friends and subscribers

Tell your friends! — Take part together

Haven't tried CryptoTab Browser yet? Just about time!

CryptoTab is a versatile browser designed to be used by anyone, who is looking for better web experience and additional income sources.

It takes less than a minute to download and set up.

Blazing fast and lightweight browser
Built-in mining features CryptoTab
User-friendly customizable
Sync everything across multiple devices

Effortlessly import your data from another browser and synchronize across multiple devices.

Import your bookmarks, list of favorites, history, and extensions from any other browser, and keep browsing through the same user interface with additional mining features.

Enhance your browser with over 150 thousand extensions.

Set up your browser by adding extensions that suit your needs. Add an ad blocker and tools for security, enhance performance, install your own design themes, and enjoy many other possibilities.

Earn Bitcoins and invite friends so you can get even more!

As you invite friends, explain that they should regularly use the browser for visiting websites and social networks, watching online videos, etc. Mining speed is higher when the browser window is active. This way, they make more money while your income from your referrals increases, too!

Browser with built-in mining

The mining feature allows you to earn cryptocurrency with no need to buy special equipment. Use the browser as you are used to, visit your favorite sites and communicate over the web — CryptoTab mining algorithm will take care of the rest.
It takes less than a minute to download and set up.
Please click on CryptoTab Browser item below after downloading to install the browser.
Open downloads list from above and click on CryptoTab Browser to install it on your computer