Special offer — earn twice more!
Invite 2 Friends, Get Cloud.Boost X2 for Free

You have been waiting for a long time and finally, we are ready to share excellent news — we relaunched our special offer! You can get free 30-days access to Cloud.Boost X2 by inviting new users to install CryptoTab Browser. Perfect opportunity to accelerate your network's growth and get a stable long-term income.

Everything is super simple. Tell your friends about CryptoTab Browser, share your unique link, wait until at least 2 of them download the browser and create their accounts. After that, you can activate free Cloud.Boost X2 for 30 days. It means you will earn twice as much!

Try it for 30 days for free to increase your income, and then, when your current Cloud.Boost X2 is no longer active, you can use this special offer again. And keep in mind that in order to participate in this promotion, you need to use only the special link.

Hurry up and get your free Cloud.Boost now. Double your mining speed — double your profit!


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Published: Sep. 7, 2021