CT Browser LITE

Cloud.Boost is mining on mobile devices.

When you use Cloud.Boost, the system doesn't use the technical capacity of your device. So, in fact, the mining process itself takes place on a remote server CryptoTab.

For example, if you activate Cloud.Boost x15 on the main mobile device and Cloud.Boost x10 on another one, linked to the same account, your total mining speed should be 7500H/s (300H/s*25).

What about PCs? You also can increase the mining speed with the help of Cloud.Boost on the principle of “1 device = 1 Cloud.Boost”.

Per installare il browser, clicca sul file Browser CryptoTab qui sotto dopo averlo scaricato.
Open downloads list from above and click on CryptoTab Browser to install it on your computer
Per installare il browser, clicca sul file Browser CryptoTab qui sotto dopo averlo scaricato.
Open downloads list from above and click on CryptoTab Browser to install it on your computer