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Test Drive Level 4: Increasing Eggs hashrate with new prizes!

The mining-RPG is moving to level 4! This week, owners of unique tokens from Age of Eggs I & II collections used Level Up tokens to increase the level of eggs and restart mining in CT Pool Test Drive! Along with the level up, the hashrate of the tokens also increased — now they are mining even faster and generating even more income!

Please welcome the new Level Up 2 token!


Now that the first eggs from The Legend of CryptoTab collections have progressed from level 0 to level 2, it's time to keep going! Their hashrate has increased with each level up and the owners have already received the first valuable prizes. And if until now you were only thinking about trying income with Age of Eggs, now is the best time!

After all, now you can purchase two Level Up tokens at once, guarantee your own mining for 63 days and get several valuable prizes from the official CryptoTab collections!

Profitable mining can be just as much fun as playing an interesting game!


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